vrijdag 19 maart 2010

Story of a Sinner

For someone who comes from a family that has not been to church for the past 3 generations at least, Ghana can be a bit difficult. I think even before those 3 generations, some of my ancestors might have been either communists, - also not very known for their spiritual interests- or a drunk whose job it was to light the street lights in the evening. Or so I heard. But that particular great great grandfather doesn’t sound like a regular in church either. (by the way, I come from a very sophisticated background as you can see)

Anyhow, for a sinner like me, understanding ‘fun’ in Ghana can be complicated. Fun is not dancing with your friends, going out for beers or parties, going away for weekends at the beach or hiking in the mountains. Fun is going to church. If you are lucky for at least 4 hours. And fun is going to funerals. Which basically means lots of food for free. I have been invited many times already to go to church though, and I’m actually quite tempted to wake up early one Sunday morning. My colleague really wants me to go to Ghana International Gospel Church with him. That sounds like it might be even a little bit of fun. I swear to God, I will go once I have a confession to make.