maandag 15 maart 2010

No need for google translation today

Since a few months I am the proud Owner of A Car. I am so proud that if I were a man you’d say the car compensates the length of my penis. But for a woman that is a bit of a weird thing to say. And besides, I wouldn’t know what I should be compensating in length, although in fact I would love legs like Julia Roberts.

Anyhow, all I want to say really is that I’m very happy with it. I even plan to post a picture of the thing on this blog sometime soon. Although most people I know own cars and they might think it’s not so special after all. But these people certainly don’t have the nice overview on the road like in my car. Or perhaps they don’t have an ipod thingy in their radio. Or electric role down windows or a functioning AC which are life saving gadgets here on the equator. Since a few weeks I know on which side of the car I can find the fuel tank. Honestly, that took me quite a while, but at least now I know how to park it at the filling station.

Besides how to park a car, I found out some other interesting stuff lately. Apparently people in the north of Ghana think one breast is full of milk and the other one is full of water. That’s why sometimes they give their babies tea. Other intersting phenomenon has been that today my colleagues forced me to dance to a 15 minutes song about how I love the Lord and praise him. Never thought I would do that. And last extraordinary event of today is that my friend Sofie who moves back to Danmark in a few months just cleaned her house herself for the first time in 3 years. She is trying to pre-integrate into Danish society and adjusting to no cook, no maid, no gardener, no driver and no personal trainer. If I were her I’d reconsider.