And this time we actually had a great occasion.
Worldwide groups of over excited women have been queuing these past two weeks to see the new Sex and the City movie. As even Accra has a movie theater (also known as ‘the cool box’, due to the airco that is always on 15 degrees) we put on our highest heels and got all in the mood to meet up with our 4 old friends. And old they were. Plastic surgery literally was in your face. We laughed and gossiped, criticized and discussed afterwards the outfits and the haircuts, the botox and the shoes. It didn’t look like any of them ‘got a little bigger’ though. But who cares about those things anyways. The movie lacked any kind of story line, but with my almost- Manolo-Blahniks from Invito and a group of fantastic, glamorous women around me; what else do you need than a cosmo?