dinsdag 11 mei 2010

First time for everything

I’m sure everybody remembers his or her first flight, as long as you were not younger than 2 at that time. My mom thought hers was ‘absolutely fabulous and fantastic’ and she looked out of her window for 6 hours before landing at Kotoka Airport. Smart as she is, she picked her spot deliberately at the right window to see the sunset. And there I saw them at the airport, my mother and brother walking into their first African night.

Pictures below give a good impression on how we spent our time together. It involved lots of wine, beers, reading, discussions and talking about all the million thoughts and things that we had not shared for the past 6 months. I also gained a lot of respect for driving in the madness of Saturday markets. I lost some respect however by admitting that all I do for housekeeping is organising my closet full of shoes every once in a while.

It was great to show them around in my life. And the next year and a half that I will stay here seem long today. But I’m glad that they developed a warm heart for Ghana. A warm but sweaty heart.